Heat Stress and the Pregnant Mother.

Given the change in social norms and the current economic climate it is not unusual see women remain at work well into the latter stages of their pregnancy. It is … Continue Reading →

Heat Stress and the Risk of Over-Hydration.

Sometimes too much fluid intake in hot environments can be dangerous.  One of the key messages that is drummed into people when working or playing sport in the hot weather … Continue Reading →

Heat Stress & Personal Cooling Devices – Neck Collars

Ever wondered how effective those neck cooler ties are? They have evolved a long way from workers on construction sites with a wet handkerchief draped around their necks. I can … Continue Reading →

Do long sleeve shirts increase the risk of heat stress for outdoor workers?

    Many companies are now insisting that their employees wear long trousers and long sleeved shirts when outdoors. Sometimes the justification relates to safety reasons such as protecting workers … Continue Reading →

So how important is colour of clothing when it comes to heat stress?

                          I was standing in line at a bank recently and two young ladies behind me were having … Continue Reading →

Managing the Heat in Sport

            Some time ago I posted a blog relating to the soccer World Cup series proposed in Qatar in 2022 and the potential heat issues … Continue Reading →

Heat Stress: Sometimes more detailed training material is needed.

            In a recent blog I mentioned that you should avoid death by PowerPoint when presenting information relating to heat stress. However there are occasions … Continue Reading →

Heat Stress and Alcohol; not a good combination.

Sit in on a workplace presentation relating to managing heat stress you are likely to encounter some comment regarding the negative effects of alcohol. The irony is that how often … Continue Reading →

Are you getting the heat stress message out there?

          As the warmer weather starts to arrive many businesses are looking towards producing information sessions and posters relating to heat stress for the summer season. … Continue Reading →

Components of a heat stress policy

            So you have been given the task of developing your company’s heat stress policy. What should it contain, what should you target, how long … Continue Reading →